LEAP and Other Apprenticeships: Job Paths for Non-Traditional Background Programmers

(Previous: You Can’t Program a Duck)

From the LEAP website: www.microsoft.com/en-us/leap/

Last week marked my one-year anniversary of working full time as a software engineer!

I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. When I look back to what I could do a year ago, I can see how much I’ve learned and grown as a developer, and I feel really proud of that. At the same time, I can see how much I still don’t know, and I love that part of my job is to keep pushing myself to learn more, one week at a time.

A year ago (last week) is when I started LEAP, a Microsoft-sponsored apprenticeship for non-traditional background programmers. Continue reading “LEAP and Other Apprenticeships: Job Paths for Non-Traditional Background Programmers”

Engineering: Q&A

(Previous: Problem Solving Strategies: Small Incremental Changes)

My job, according to xkcd.com

I got some questions from a second grader interested in computer engineering, below are my responses:

1. Could you describe one of your typical workdays? Continue reading “Engineering: Q&A”

Full Stack JavaScript: What is a Full Stack? And Why is it MEAN?

(Previous: Coding Dojo: Algorithm Platform)

Is this a full stack? Does it come with Java? Sorry, I know, puns are the worst… Especially breakfast puns.

For aspiring web developers, it’s not enough to be a JavaScript or Ruby or Java ninja–you have to know how your JavaScript or Ruby or Java interacts with the whole project you are working on.

That’s why developers talk about Full Stack Development. In very general terms, a Full Stack, like a stack of pancakes has three parts: the front, back, and middle (more professionally referred to as the Front End, Back End, and Web Framework). Continue reading “Full Stack JavaScript: What is a Full Stack? And Why is it MEAN?”