Problem Solving Strategies: Small Incremental Changes

(Previous: More Than a Hobby: Programming as a Job)

Word Ladder from

For most software developers, being able to learn and adapt on the job is critical for success. Most of the tutorials and documentation I use for learning teach one small thing at a time: how to use .map in JavaScript, or how to create forms in html, or how to get data using AJAX calls, to name a few pretty standard skills. Continue reading “Problem Solving Strategies: Small Incremental Changes”

Practice Time: UW’s Computer Science Homework

(Previous: Try Ruby)


After completing a LOT of Ruby lessons (Learn Ruby the Hard Way, Codecademy’s Ruby, and Try Ruby, which I blogged about here, here, and here), I was itching to try my hand at something a little less structured. Continue reading “Practice Time: UW’s Computer Science Homework”